Is it possible that I only ever set this up for 25 hours? I have probably only used it for 25 hours in the last year so now I am wondering.

I just noticed that the license that was provided in the box was only for a 25 hour license. Again I only ever clicked on the one icon when it worked. Now I cannot get into Cubase Artist at all. When it finally locked up today it stated that my Cubase license (not Cubase Artist) had expired. I have been ignoring it as I only use Cubase Artist. I have been getting this warning that my Cubase license is expiring for the last little while.

I was never sure why I was being prompted for Cubase (perhaps I had also entered a short terms license for it as well.). When I click on to the 7.5 icon it always asks me if I want to use Cubase or Cubase Artist. When Cubase Artist 7.5 came out a few months back I upgraded as well. I installed it using the license key included in the box along with various other license codes for short term licenses. I bought Cubase Artist 7.0 about a year ago. The dialogue box is saying that my license is not longer valid. I just got locked out of my Cubase Artist.